Info for Patients

There are many resources that provide orthopaedic patients and their families with information about orthopaedic healthcare and muscular, bone and joint conditions, as well as information about getting ready for orthopaedic surgery, living with various forms of orthopaedic challenges, tips for strengthening and preventing musculoskeletal issues and how to make informed decisions about your own orthopaedic healthcare options. Below are some websites our members consider to be good sources, but don’t hesitate to ask your own physician or orthopaedic surgeon, too. – Canada’s Patient Resource For Orthopaedic Surgery – Canadian Orthopaedic Foundation– Patient Education pages – The Gateway to the Orthopaedic Internet For Patients – The Bone and Joint Decade; a network of more than 1,000 patient, professional and scientific organizations with National Action Networks in more than 60 countries, working to position musculoskeletal conditions as a public health issue. – Created by orthopaedic surgeons to provide patients and medical providers with current and accurate information on foot and ankle conditions and their treatments.