Dr. Cassandra Lane Dielwart
Past President:
Dr. Alastair Younger
Secretary Treasurer:
Dr. Konstantinos Panagiotopoulos
BCOA Regional Directors 2021-2022
Vancouver Island Health Authority
Dr. Nimrod Levi
Dr. Melissa Collins
Fraser Health Authority
Dr. David Wickham
Dr. Lauren Roberts
Northern Health Authority
Dr. David Nelson
Dr. Roger Purnell
Vancouver Coastal Health Authority
Dr. Richard Nadeau
Dr. Mark McConkey
Interior Health Authority
Dr. Jan Splawinski
Dr. Derek Butterwick
WCB Representative
Dr. Konstantinos Panagiotopoulos
Directors at large:
Dr. Steve Burnett
Dr. Derek Butterwick
Dr. Adrian Huang
Dr. Victor Jando
Dr. Steve Krywulak
Dr. Nimrod Levy
Dr. Michael Loewen
Dr. Michael Moran
Dr. Julian Sernik
Dr. Andrea Veljkovic
Other executive / members at large roles:
Media representative – web site and social media: Dr. Adrian Huang
COA practice management committee: Dr. Alastair Younger
Consultant / Specialists of BC representative: Dr. Alastair Younger
Strategic plan: Dr. Mike Moran
BCOA Tariff Committee – Dr. Peter Dryden
UBC Department of Orthopaedics BCOA education representative: Dr. Andie
Quality Improvement initiatives with the COA / UBC: Dr. Mark McConkey and
Dr. Julian Sernik
Monthly Billing webinars: Dr. Dave Nelson.
Advocacy: Dr. Lauren Roberts, Dr. Colin Jackson.
Other members at Large: Dr. Steve Burnett, Dr. Steve Sylvester, Dr. Victor Jando, Dr. Steve
Staff Directory
Doris Gomes
Executive Coordinator
(604) 903-7527